Saturday, February 7, 2009

[ seventh ] ( ii thiink )

They study animals as well as humans.
Fletcher is a monkey.
Fletcher went and ran away from his “home”.
Primates experience puberty.
Humans and monkeys have a similar neural endocrine system.
4 questions
What does an animals adolescence have to do with a humans adolescence?
Is there another way to express adolescence without saying adolescence?
Who is Fletcher?
Monkeys can swim?

3 Vocabulary Words
Chagrined-a feeling of vexation or humiliation due to disappointment about something
Rhesus-in Greek mythology, one of the kings of Thrace

2 Literary terms
“,settles squabbles”- alliteration
1 Overview sentence
They study monkeys too because there are similarities between monkeys and humans so by study monkeys the scientists have something to compare to.

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