Saturday, February 28, 2009

Wide Sargasso Sea
By Jean Rhys
Jean Rhys was born in Dominica
Jean Rhys is a female. (I thought she was a man)
Someone poisoned her mothers horse; I think it was done because of jealousy.
Her mother has no friends.
I do not understand why her family is this way.
What are the Emancipation Acts?
Is the looking glass she refers to a mirror?
Why didn’t the others in the community like her mother?
What did the doctor say that made her mother not want to leave the house anymore?
Vocabulary Words
Emancipation-the act or process of setting somebody free or of freeing somebody from restrictions
Marooned-to leave somebody or something somewhere with no means of getting away
Glacis-a slope, especially one that is not very long or steep

Literary Terms
“Our garden was large and beautiful as the one in the bible.” [ simile ]
“One was snaky looking, another like an octopus with long thin brown tentacles bare of leaves hanging from a twisted root” [ imagery ]

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Females reach puberty by the end of their third year.
Males reach puberty by the end of their fourth year.
There is a good reason why the growth spurts for girls and boys are different.
A females pelvic bones do not grow fully until they are around seventeen so they can not successfully carry a baby until then.
Boys become fertile before their growth spurt.
4 Questions
Why do humans have longer childhood then animals?
Why do teenagers feel the need to take dangerous risks?
What does it mean to be wrongly stigmatized?
Why is peuberty starting to happen sooner in this day and age?

3 Vocabulary Words
Prolonged-to make something go on longer
Menarche-the first time that a girl or young woman menstruates
Angst-in existentialist philosophy, a feeling of dread arising from an awareness of free choice

[ seventh ] ( ii thiink )

They study animals as well as humans.
Fletcher is a monkey.
Fletcher went and ran away from his “home”.
Primates experience puberty.
Humans and monkeys have a similar neural endocrine system.
4 questions
What does an animals adolescence have to do with a humans adolescence?
Is there another way to express adolescence without saying adolescence?
Who is Fletcher?
Monkeys can swim?

3 Vocabulary Words
Chagrined-a feeling of vexation or humiliation due to disappointment about something
Rhesus-in Greek mythology, one of the kings of Thrace

2 Literary terms
“,settles squabbles”- alliteration
1 Overview sentence
They study monkeys too because there are similarities between monkeys and humans so by study monkeys the scientists have something to compare to.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

( siixth ) !*

Seniors notice that they were loud and doing crazy things during their freshman years and they do not understand where the feeling to do those crazy behaviors were coming from.
A parent was keeping copies of his son’s brain scans. ( That is weird )
Brain scanners work with radio waves that interact with hydrogen atoms.
As adolescence process there is a loss of grey matter.
There had never been a systematic long term study of children with normal brains before.
4 Questions
What are hydrogen atoms?
What is schizophrenia?
What is it that these neuroscientists are trying to find out?
Where is the National Institutes of Health?
3 Vocabulary Words
Thornier- complicated and difficult to resolve
Noninvasive-not involving cutting into the body or entry into a body cavity such as the colon or stomach
Rhesus-in Greek mythology, one of the kings of Thrace
2 Literary Terms

1 Overview Sentence
The neuroscientist are studying normal people to get a better understanding of hiow the brain functions in general. ( I do not understand that concept )

[ Fiifth ] !*

Parents notice that there children begin to link the events that take place with emotions as they get older.
Teenagers process language differently.
There a lot of things that this book says that I did not know about myself as a teenager.
Adolescent brains : ramp up”.
Neurotransmitters are chemical messengers emitted from a neuron.
4 Questions
What does it mean to be genetically prone?
What is brain pruning?
What is an fMRI?
What is a prefrontal cortex?
3 Vocabulary Words
Militating-to have an influence, especially a negative one, on something
Caudate- with a tail or an appendage like a tail
Psychodynamic-the interaction of the emotional and motivational forces that affect behavior and mental states, especially on a subconscious level
2 Literary Terms

1 Overview Sentence
Parents are feeling that as there children grow into young adult hood and leave their teenage stage they begin to understand life better and make better choices.

Sunday, February 1, 2009


Many of the brains systems are always running.
Teachers say that they notice a change in their students after a certain age.
Every person in this book ( so far ) blames a change in a child’s behavior on adolescence.
Teachers that teach grades were adolescence is just now beginning and has not quite kicked in think of activities to do with their class, but when these students get to eighth grade teachers feel that such antics are not needed for children in that age group.
4 Questions
What are frontal lobes?
What is the prefrontal cortex?
What is polysided?
What does it mean to have an innate quantitative sense?
3 Vocabulary Words
Innate-relating to qualities that a person or animal is born with
Tangible-able to be touched or perceived through the sense of touch
Medulla-biology innermost structure: the innermost area of a part or organ of an animal or plant

2 Literary Terms
Metaphor-”think of an airplane, most people think that when it lands it has its engines on low ant it’s just floating in. but that’s not always so; in landing an airplane often has to be in full throttle in case it has to react quickly if something happens. The brain to he says, is set up to be whirring all the time.”
1 Overview Sentence
The brain is always going and it is functioning differently depending on your age range.