Friday, April 24, 2009

! numero cinco !

Why were all floors seperated by three steps? - What is symbolic about the number three? - If it is even symolic.


Who was Aunt Cora dressed up for? - Why did Jean describe how Aunt Cora was dressed and then mention how nobody else was there but them two? - would Aunt Cora be trying to impress the cook or one of the others?

If I am reading right there were drunk black people ("negores") outside and they were making a lot of noise and causing a ruckess.

They set the house on fire. (I am assuming it was the drunk negroes)

Myra was supposed to be with Perrie but she wasn't - and as a result of that when the back was set on fire his crib was burning while he was in it.

Maybe Myra set the back on fire.

"I saw tall flames shooting up to the sky..."

Peirre may be dead.


Sunday, April 19, 2009

numberr four !


She is never referred to by her name when spoken to or about.

This family is fairly wealthy, they have maids and servants.
they are hated on because of their interacial status.

I do not know why but this is written verry confusing & I am having trouble understanding.

She does not feel safe in her home

what is her name?

Should she be reffered as Jean when i comment about her because she is never really referred to by her name?

Is she sayiing that without Mr.Mason her mother wouldn't be alive?
Is Mr.Mason her step father?

merciful- showing mercy or compassion to somebody
ringlets- a spiral curl of hair
tamarinds- a pod containing many seeds within an acid-tasting pulp.

Literary terms
"I heard bamboo creak again and sound like whispering."

3rd 54321 - i think.

mother wants to move because Coulibri is not safe for Peirre.
connection to Rasin in the Sun: they were assimilating and eating American food. the daughter says. "I was glad to be like an english girl".
Mother is keeping some type of secret when on page 35 she talks about how hearts have been broken & trials off without finishing her sentence.
to the daughter white people signify confidence.

why is it that Peirre is not safe?
why is it imporatant to her that she is like an American girl?
when will they introduce the main character with a name? (If they have I missed it.)
What does she mean by, "unfortunatly children do hurt flies."?

glacis- a slope, especially one that is not very long or steep

literary terms
"I was glad to be like an English girl"- similie

overview sentence
there is alot of assimilation and changes that need to be made with their family. becauase of who her mother and step father are they are treated differently.