Tuesday, February 3, 2009

( siixth ) !*

Seniors notice that they were loud and doing crazy things during their freshman years and they do not understand where the feeling to do those crazy behaviors were coming from.
A parent was keeping copies of his son’s brain scans. ( That is weird )
Brain scanners work with radio waves that interact with hydrogen atoms.
As adolescence process there is a loss of grey matter.
There had never been a systematic long term study of children with normal brains before.
4 Questions
What are hydrogen atoms?
What is schizophrenia?
What is it that these neuroscientists are trying to find out?
Where is the National Institutes of Health?
3 Vocabulary Words
Thornier- complicated and difficult to resolve
Noninvasive-not involving cutting into the body or entry into a body cavity such as the colon or stomach
Rhesus-in Greek mythology, one of the kings of Thrace
2 Literary Terms

1 Overview Sentence
The neuroscientist are studying normal people to get a better understanding of hiow the brain functions in general. ( I do not understand that concept )

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