Friday, May 29, 2009

number O2 [ well O3 but O2 - if that makes sense. ]

5Comments :
- Charlene let this happen to Yizzete because she was scared as well.
- After all this Yizzete begins to skip school and take on the role of a bad kid in order to have a social relationship with her peers.
- She began to smoke and drink during the time where she was skipping school.
- Her mother set her out to be the bad person
- Yizzete runs away to be with a group of other run aways but gets caught.
4Questions :
- Why do others beleive herr mother is thee good person ?
- If Yizzete's mother dis - likes her so much why does she look for her when she runs away ?
- Is Yizzete prostituting ?
- Does she have any other family that may be able to help her ?
3Vocab :
- Lacerated ;to cut or gash the skin so that the wound is deep with irregular edges
- ravish ;to force somebody to engage in sexual intercourse
- emendated ;to correct or alter.
2Literary Terms :
O1overveiw sentence :
Yizzete continues to have difficulty at home & begins to play the role of a disobediant child.

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