Sunday, January 25, 2009

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The Primal Teen Book
By: Barbara Strauch
Barbara Strauch is the mother of two teenagers.
Children can be absolutely fine and doing what is expected of them but then they can quickly change and be doing the wrong thing.
These parents don’t understand why there well behaved children suddenly act out.
Scientist all over have been trying to figure out teenagers for ages.
These people are making a big deal out of the way teenagers act for no reason; they are making it seem like there is something crazy going on in a teenagers brain.
4 Questions
Why do all these parents think that something must be wrong with us just because we don’t want to clean something or don’t agree with them?
Why is a teenagers behavior so fascinating to adults?
Why do parents blame our moods on being a teenager?
Why don’t the parents just accept that as people sometimes we want to be alone?
3 Vocabulary Words
Inexplicably -unable to be explained or justified
Ferocious-very fierce or savage
Quibble- to argue over unimportant things and make petty objections
2 Literary Terms
“…an jokes come popping up, like pimples before a prom.”(simile)
Anecdote-page four-She tells a story about a conversation her and her friend had.
1 Overview Sentence
These parents feel that there children act certain ways because they are teenagers and they blame every bad thing on adolescence.

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