Sunday, October 19, 2008


The Burn Journals
5 questions
Why doesn’t Brent understand that if he were to speak the way he feels then his family would get a better understanding of him?
Why does the author choose not to have chapters?
How can Brent tell how Gina feels because of the way she talks to him?
What did Brent think Mark said?
Why doesn’t Brent get an opinion on what he is going to do after he gets out of rehab?
Brent freaks out when they change his therapist
Brent does not think positive when he is not getting his way
Things don’t go as bad as I thought it would be when Brent visits his home.
Brent has trouble expressing his feelings.
3 Vocabulary
Pyromaniac- the uncontrollable urge to set fire to things
Occult- relating to, involving, or characteristic of magic, witchcraft, or supernatural phenomena
Pennant-triangular flag displayed on ship

2 Literary terms
“Hold that door or I’ll break your neck.”- hyperbole (pg.244)
“They wait on me like I’m the King of England”- simile (pg.240)
1 Overview sentence
Brent is getting ready to leave his rehab hospital and so far he has made tremendous progress.

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